Resolutions to get fit and lose weight are tedious and hard to stick to so we suggest writing and reading instead, which is far better fun and easier to implement.
Here are some suggestions for reading:
- Join a book group. Book groups will force you to read outside of your reading comfort zone. You will discover books you would never have read otherwise. And you might make new friends. There are online book groups and your local library might run on too.
- Review books you read. Not only does this benefit the writer (reviews help books get found), but it helps you improve your own writing and powers of critical thinking.
- Read or re-read at least one of the classics. Certain books feature universal themes that transcend time. The author of this piece is wondering if it's time to read the glossy BBC-cover version of War and Peace she bought at the beginning of 2016....
- Support independent publishers! Independent publishers, such as Comely Bank Publishing, help unknown, quality writers get their books into print. We can take the calculated risks traditional, big name publishers can't.
And for writers:
- Commit to regular writing. The easiest way to get a book written is to set yourself daily or weekly word counts and stick to them. A book flows better if it's written regularly.
- Write book reviews. See above!
- Provide useful, conmstructive feedback for other writers. This will help improve your own writing and it establishes the quid pro quo. Reading a book and making suggestions for its improvements is a lot of work. If you want help with your book, be prepared to give it back.
- Finish what you start. Even if you hate it if you've got the material there it's better than having nothing. Writing can always, always be improved.
Happy New Year from all of us at Comely Bank Publishing! We wish you health and happiness in 2017.