Sherban Young, mystery and detective series novelist, has self-published two series and a few standalone titles. Talking to Publishers Weekly, he says he realised that no matter who publishes your book, the author must do the majority of marketing themselves.
He says he has learned over the years what works and what doesn’t but that he is still leaning, adding: “I’ve thrown a lot of money at the marketing conundrum and wish, going in, I had taken a calmer, more thoughtful approach.”
Young admits he is surprised by how much he loves self-publishing – particularly because h can work to his own time table. The traditional publishing process means it can take years before you get an offer, and a long time after that for the book to come out.
Young has self-publishing tips to offer independent authors:
1. Make a plan – have goals and be realistic, and work steadily.
2. Realise it’s a team effort – there is no “self” in self-publishing anymore and the smart self-publisher should assemble a good team, artists, editors, proof-readers, PR agents and more.
3. Write because you love writing. Write because you love writing, rather than because you will get paid for it.