Authors retain all rights to their work(s), and are free to submit and/or publish the same work(s) elsewhere after they appear in New Writing Scotland. A maximum length of 3,500 words is suggested for prose, and entrants should submit no more than one prose work or no more than four poems. The competition doesn’t accept entries by email or fax.
Successful entrants will be paid at a rate of £20 per published page.
Submissions should be typed on one side of the paper only and the sheets stapled at the top-left corner. Prose pieces should be double-spaced and carry an approximate word-count.
For submissions, you should provide a covering letter, clearly marked with your name and address. You should also put your name on the individual works.
To receive an acknowledgement of receipt of your manuscript, you should enclose a stamped addressed postcard. You should enclose another stamped addressed envelope with sufficient postage if you would like your submission returned.
The deadline for submissions is 30 September 2015, and they should be sent to the Department of Scottish Literature, 7 University Gardens, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QH.